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Spring Edition: 2016-2017 school year

 Inspired by the Human Experience 

Photograph by Kaylah Alford | 2017

Hope is Red


by Julian Bonds | 2017

Hope is a crimson heart

Shining in the souls of the content.


Hope is a big cherry rose

Swaying in the rough desert wind.


Hope is a cardinal in the snow

Softly chirping in a bitter sea of white.


Hope is a glowing fire at night

Lighting the encompassing darkness.


Hope is a crisp apple in the morning

Invigorating tired eyes.


Hope is the scarlet blood of Christ on the Cross

Offering love to those who follow.


Hope is red.

Its shade is distinct in the dreariness.

And all can witness its dynamic hue

Which gives them energy to carry on:

Filled with spirited energy.

Be You


by Andres Recalde | 2018

Out of the darkness and into the light,

My writer’s block left and I started to write,

My mind filled with colors and concepts galore,

My distractions have gone and run out the door,


I felt inspired and an earnest drive,

Writing my emotions has me feeling alive,

But every so often, I hear a shout,

“Hey, slow down, you are letting too much out!”


So then I recede and feel subtle shame,

Surely my mind isn’t what’s to blame,

So I stop and analyze my beliefs,

I see what is wrong is not my motifs.


It’s my fear and anxiety that’s to blame,

There should be no reason why I feel any shame,

Everyone’s emotions need to be let free,

Because what you feel is not always what they see.

Just Like Her Youthful Spirit


by Schanelle Saldanha | 2018

     Samantha swung against the wind on her bright red swing. She was humming her favorite song to the wind's calm melody. She tried to contain her feet from hitting the ground, but at last she let them free. Free; just like her youthful spirit. With each gulp of air that found its home within her body, her swing elevated higher into the air. She began stretching her arm to try and reach the only leaf left on the barren tree. It was a golden shade with a subtle orange hint. She anxiously tried several more times, struggling to grab a hold of the solemn leaf. She spent hours; isolating her eyes on the very aspect, stretching her hands further and further each time, never giving entrance to the thought that she might never reach it. Finally, with all her strength remaining; she pushed forward and caught the golden leaf. Filled with the greatest joy on earth, she ran free. Free; just like her youthful spirit. But, what her naive mentality didn't realize was that this leaf wasn't just one of nature's counterparts. It was something more, something that couldn't be seen with the naked eye, but something evident through the eyes of the wise. It was determination.

     Today, fifteen years later, she remembered that moment. Staring out into the audience of many emotional faces, she wore her Valedictorian sash with humble pride. She watched as her classmates moved their tassels, anxiously awaiting her turn. "Samantha Williams", called Principal Henry. The world around her became still, the audience mute, her footsteps gentle. She walked across the stage, received her diploma with her left hand, and shook Principal Henry's hand with her right....(just as they had rehearsed). However as she walked across that stage, she recognized a mirror, a mirror of yesterday. The reflection exposed four-year-old Samantha on her favorite red swing. That mirror was her determination. Only this time, when she turned her tassel, she was soaring higher than that red swing had ever taken her. She let out a little giggle. She was free. Free; just like her youthful spirit.

Artwork by Sophia Charron | 2019

Photograph by Allie Porter | 2017

The fall comes after the rise


by Jack Shorthouse | 2018

The fall comes after the rise 
To get your hopes up then to lose it all
The hype, intensity, to bring it home
For this is the time to show them all

I had what it takes for the win
But then came the fall 
It nearly was here the chance of my life
But the fall always comes before the rise.

Photograph by Anna Gestiehr | 2017

Artwork by Bella Dugan | 2018

A Sonnet


by Connor Gaitens | 2017

Shall I ever know the true cause of love?

I've been around the world, but now mine's small.

I have seen all, but I only choose one.

My heart and my dreams lie with only one.

Her heart is pure, her head is full of dreams.

With a heart of gold and a silver tongue,

She stole my heart like a thief in the night.

My love is a bittersweet symphony,

For I know in my soul, she is too good.

How can I match the love of an angel?

I will love her forever and always.

She is the gentlest creature of all.

Her voice lights up a room and warms my heart.

Can I ever show my true love for her?

Fish Tank


by Joe Leckenby | 2017

Life seems perfect for fish in a tank.

Swimming around gracefully all bright and colourful.

The little blue fish helping the great big ones.

There is no fighting no arguing just helping and

having fun in a small community.

The fish look at we humans not knowing that

they have it better than us.

Life never changes inside a fish tank.

Photograph by Lauren Gamble | 2018

Photograph by Allie Porter | 2017



by Richie Bochicchio | 2018

Life can be miserable sometimes

Whether if your are a fighter or a lover

Whether if your an athlete or a book worm

We are all books judged by our cover


We need to forget about this though

And remember what life is really about

To show it's not about the outside

But what's on the inside that counts


Some start from the bottom

Others start at the the top

But the sky is the limit for everyone

And we shouldn't be able to be stopped


We control our own destinies

We choose between the right and wrong way

But if you work hard and make the right choices

Then life will be great every day

A Lonely Soul


by Andres Recalde | 2018

Beyond the rusty, broken iron chain outside

Past many lush green, rolling hills

On the rural outskirts of town

Down a meandering dirt trail

Into sweltering tropical forests

Across multiple swift, crystal streams

By a royal majestic Poinciana tree

Lies a panicked puppy with a rusty, broken iron chain.

Photograph by Kasey Kaczorowski | 2018

Photograph by Henrietta O'Brien | 2018



by Danny Bigley | 2018

Cameras flashing, reporters shouting,

From the House come congressmen, touting

The Acts promised to Americans

So they could abandon their shamans

and choose which necessity to lose.


These congressmen, terribly late,

Only were able to dictate

The promise repeal and replace,

Without even having a trace

Of a notion how to equate

Wealth and health, playing with our fates.


How to make The American Health Care Act:

Take The Affordable Care Act, and redact

Any semblance of affordability

And then with overwhelming agility

Uninsure all those huddled, sickly masses

One step closer to Putin, heil the fascist



by Kyle Rush | 2016

Woah, what a throwback

Alumni don’t write poems

Should have stayed that way

Photograph by Danny Bigley | 2018

 Inspired by Nature 

Photograph by Henrietta O'Brien | 2018

Beach Poem


by Chloe Marasco | 2018

The dusty sand colored sidewalks

laid a perfect set out path in front of my dark chocolate eyes
Upon my constant hunger for adventure

I stood there and stared off into the blue crystal sea 
As I brought myself to break the mold and stray down the sidewalk

my barefoot soles felt a burning sensation from the sun kissed path
I felt a salty breeze sprinkle on my glowing face

cooling my greatest worries 
As I inched further from the mold and closer to the clear baby blue waters

I noticed a crack in my perfect set out path 
Stepping over this blemish filled my body with empowerment

soon my fears and insecurities vanished 
I leaped into the soft pillow sand and ran to the deep waved sea 
The cool temperatures made me feel myself worry free at last 
And I'll I had to do was take a leap 

Spring: A Sonnet


by Allie Porter | 2017

As the snow melts and the spring flowers bloom

I breathe in the crisp air around the room

The bright big sun feels so warm on my skin

Spring is here; I cannot help but grin

The grass turns green again, the plants all sprout

Nature is so alive There is no doubt

The scent of sweet flowers fill the warm air

The sky is blue and trees no longer bare

Animals are born; life begins again

I take a deep breath and only feel zen

The peacefulness of spring soothes my soul

The vibrant colors are nothing near dull

Whether it's raining or sunny and bright

I know spring will bring joy to my life

Photograph by Becca Fitzharris | 2018

Photograph by Cam Rush | 2017

The Ocean -- A Portrait of You


by Brianna Caridi | 2018

     The year after he left, I couldn't focus. I saw his eyes in the blue I used to paint my picture of the sea in art class. Too many times I had watched myself drown in that arctic water, and each day as I continued working on my painting, I drowned all over again. I got a C on that project, and honestly, that was a generous grade. When I look at that picture now, I see that I painted him. To most my artwork would look like a poorly painted picture of the ocean. To me, that water was him. The swirls of the waves were the short curls of his hair, his rough, calloused hands were the sharp rocks of the beach. His eyes were the sky and the water, they were the entire painting summed up in one word. His voice was in the clouds, I could practically hear them speaking to me.

     I hung that painting above my bed for a few weeks, and then one day I came home from school, and I tore it down. I shredded it into a thousand small pieces until there were paper shards all over the pale carpet of my room. Then I sat amongst the paper, I felt the sharp edges on my bare skin. I remained that way for a while, I couldn't say how long it was. Eventually I stood up and slowly cleaned up the paper, I threw all of the pieces away until I was left holding the very last one. For some reason, I couldn't bring myself to throw it away. I held it in my hand and I thought I was going to cry. I glanced over at a box on my dresser where I keep things that are important to me, and I opened the lid and placed the stiff paper inside the warped wooden walls. I didn't think about him or the painting for months, I forgot about it all.

     After quite some time had passed, and he had long been forgotten, I happened to open the box by chance on a Sunday afternoon. I found a small scrap of blue paper, and I met with his familiar eyes once again. And I wanted the appeal to be gone so badly; I wanted to feel nothing. But there I was again, drowning on my bedroom floor.

Grains of Sand


by Emily Brosky | 2018

Grains of sand cover my feet
The sound of crashing waves enters my ears
Cawing seagulls fly above 
The sun is shining bright
Children are playing in the sand
They adorn their sand castles with seashells and other objects found on the beach
Water suddenly rushes over my legs 
Its cool sensation meets my hot skin
It retracts back into the wide blue abyss
This is paradise
This is summer

Photograph by Danielle DiPaolo | 2020

Photograph by Henrietta O'Brien | 2018



by Kayli Sheridan | 2018

A soft breeze hit her skin

The summer air filled her room

She could hear the waves crashing on the shores

Watching everything around her in perfect harmony

The seagulls walking on the warm sand

Families starting to pile into the parking lot

Carrying their colorful chairs and umbrellas

The children hopeful of finding a hidden treasure

Spring Haiku


by Sean Ferguson | 2020


Snow starting to melt

Orchids blooming, birds chirping,

Finally, Springtime,

Photograph by Kayli Sheridan | 2018

Artwork by Sophia Charron | 2019



by Kayli Sheridan | 2018


The cold, wet leaves fall from the trees

The dandelions sprout from the ground filling the green grass

The bees and birds fly around

The animals come out from hibernation

The rain falling from the blue sky, splashing onto the ground

The sun radiating off your skin

Spring is here

May is soon drawing near

The fires burn on a cold winter night


by Jack Shorthouse | 2018

The fires burn on a cold winter night 
Logs are getting charred by the heat
Radiant gusts of warm pleasure 
A warm house on a cold night 

We gather round to gain heat
For it's getting cold as the night goes on
But we must keep the fire roaring
To keep us warm through the night 

Photograph by Chloe Potosnak | 2018

Artwork by Delaney Bird | 2018

The Cold Without


by Julian Bonds | 2017

Two sets of footprints in the snow,

Walking opposite ways

Under the moonlight's mild glow.


Constantly moving under winter's soft gaze,

They march on their quest

Among the snowy white haze.


Extending over the hills to the west,

They roll past barren trees

As they fight the cold's test.


They seem to meander with relative ease

Until the steady string stops

And the pace seems to freeze.


For in the snow in the form of two dots

Are two big knee-prints

And a couple red spots


Yet, the other set does what's

Until now unseen

By turning to the fallen one

And giving an arm on which to lean


They walk for a while

And their footprints are meshed

Until the fallen one reverses

And goes back to his test


As far as I look,

The sets are alone

But for that one bonded patch

Where the two sets are one

Photograph by Cam Rush | 2017

 Inspired by Trials & Tribulations 

Long Gone


by Maddie Walter | 2018

Little did he know, she was long gone.

Not physically, but emotionally.

Her eyes no longer had that special gleam,

But he was so desperately in love with her that he didn’t notice.


She knew she was wasting his time, but she couldn’t help it.

All of the memories of what was stuck close to her heart.

It was obvious to everyone around them that something had changed.

No one uttered a word about it, trying to keep the dream alive.


Maybe letting go would have been easier if they talked about the distance.

Their friendship could have remained, but now nothing could be salvaged.

When they talked, she looked past him into a future of being free,

But he remained loyal to a future that would never bloom.


Letting go can be just as hard as holding on.

Even if you feel the passion on the surface, you won’t feel it below the surface.

He wanted to remain in a place of warmth and comfort,

While she couldn’t wait to get away.

Photograph by Becca Fitzharris | 2018

Photograph by Bella Dugan | 2018

Life: A Sonnet


by Zoe Woods | 2017

If it doesn't open then it's not your door.

Keep on searching in your life there is more.

Try to find comfort on difficult days.

Be faithful to God, he’ll bless you always.

Know that you are loved just the way you are.

On you darkest days you're still a star.

So get up each morning and know you're blessed.

Give your cares to God and don't be stressed.

Smile and be happy and then you will see.

The world around you will follow with glee.

We tend to focus on all of the bad.

Living life like this will only make you sad.

Positive thinking will make your day best.

Keep that in mind and you'll be up to the test.

The Blessing of School


by Andres Recalde | 2018

She had lost all control,

Or at least that’s what she thought,

School on a whole played a role,

In making her feel distraught.


Her favorite time was bed time,

Because that’s the only way,

To stop working overtime,

On her brain that works all day.


But alas it’s far too late,

Her ticks are showing each day,

An anxious and stressed brain state,

Has caused her brain to decay.


She was socially distant,

Now more than ever before,

Her brain was nonresistant,

The stress hurt her furthermore.


Until it was all too much,

She thought she could live with all the pain,

Depression had her in its clutch,

And slowly, there went her brain.

Photograph by Alana Losego | 2018

Photograph by Chloe Potosnak | 2018

Out of Reach


by Michael Kirsch | 2018

The buried treasure was just out of reach
He heard rumors that it was somewhere on Malibu Beach
He first went over the sand with a metal detector 
And found nothing but the sluice box from a prospector 
Then he went through the ocean using a submarine with radar
All he found was an old corroded crowbar
His last idea was to take his search to the skies
But all he found: nothing but a bunch of lies

Artwork by Macaila Ziolkowski | 2018

The Passage of Time


by Jon Knoll | 2018

Staring At An Unfamiliar Window
Staring At An Unfamiliar World
Looking At The World Rise Anew
What Once Was Gone, There

Newborn Birds Chirp With Glee
Flowers Beginning to Bloom
Sunshine Streams From Up Above
The Skies Hue Becomes Blue

Life Has Returned

Staring At A Familiar Mirror
Staring At A Familiar Person
Looking At The Years Gone Away
What Once Was There, Gone

Children Grown With Families
My Heart Has Grown Weary
The Light Of My Youth Spent
My Blue Skies Turned Grey

Life Has Expired

Photograph by Cam Rush | 2017

Photograph by Kayli Sheridan | 2018



by Kara Schaffnit | 2018

I'd come to you
Just to go away
I'd laugh when
You'd ask me to stay
But now that
I really see you
With somebody
I think, "that's new"
I guess that I'm
Just used to your love
So much so it has me
Missing your touch
I don't miss anyone
That's just not me
I've never been so wrapped up,
But suddenly
Your face is all I see

Your face is all I see.



by Andres Recalde | 2018

A nervous twitch,

An awkward itch,

Feels like I’m running out of time.


A clueless gaze,

A confused haze,

Everyone said it would be just fine.


The truth is stinging,

A bell is ringing,

The help I need is divine.


The class leaves,

I conceive,

That my grade will surely decline.

Photograph by Kasey Kaczorowski | 2018

Photograph by Alana Losego | 2018

Photograph by Chloe Potosnak | 2018

The Sailor's Chantey


by Danny Bigley | 2018

Mischievous lovers seldom flee;

Rather stay near and torment thee.

Malice and spite and constant fights

Oh, Lovers, how cruel they can be!


Take, for instance, Stella Schnee,

Who threw her spouse into the sea!

He swam, he flailed, away she sailed,

Oh Lovers, how cruel they can be!


Tragedy oft you can't foresee –

Suddenly, life is but debris!

They tear through, devouring you:

Oh Lovers, how cruel they can be!


Mischievous lovers seldom flee;

Rather stay near and torment thee.

Malice and spite and constant fights

Oh, Lovers, how cruel they can be!

Dinosaur and Ice Cream: A Sonnet


by Sydney Hnat | 2017

I love ice cream with all my heart.

It's cold and sweet, oh what a treat!

Every flavor shoots up my tongue like a dart.

It can't be beat; it's the best thing to eat.

Yet I cannot eat this delicious treat,

For my arms are too short to let me eat.

The cone could never reach my teeth,

But being a T-Rex is something I could not bequeath.

The taste of sprinkles brings me to tears.

I've missed it so over the years.

What I could do if I had longer arms!

How I could live a life of charms!

My friend the pterodactyl helps me eat,

And now my life's turned so upbeat. 

Artwork by Sydney Hnat | 2017

 Inspired by the Arts 

Photograph by Danielle DiPaolo | 2020

Photograph by Kaylah Alford | 2017

Ancient History


by Joe Leckenby | 2017

     A long time ago in ancient Mesopotamia there lived a man of about 35 years of age. The man was a bit older and he probably only had about five years left since people only lived until 40 in those days. This man was in trouble he was having trouble catching his breath. He would try and try but his breath was just out of reach. So he went to the ashipu which was the first step to getting better. The ashipu said that he had to be honest about his life so that he could get better soon. The man told the ashipu that his life was going well up until about two weeks ago when he started to have an affair with his neighbor. The ashipu said that the hand of one of the gods was making him sick because of his sins. The ashipu calls his colleague the asu over the asu is the diagnostician whereas the ashipu is the spiritual advisor. The ashipu explains the situation to asu who consults the Diagnostic handbook which contains symptoms and treatments to use he even consults the patients medical records on cuneiform tablets. The asu then decides to mix an ointment made of herbs for the man to put on his chest. A week goes by and this still doesn't seem to be working and the man starts to get worse. Another week goes by and the ashipu and asu continue to work together. The ashipu is busy trying to cast spells but to no avail the patient still gets worse and worse they decide to perform surgery. The asu tries his best to put the patient to sleep; cuts open his chest and discovers these blister-like sores he then drains them and

stitches his chest back together applying a sesame oil dressing to prevent infection several weeks later the man recovers. Thank goodness, thank goodness.

A Distant Echo


by Willa Potosnak | 2018

Out of the darkness came a distant echo

Music erupted in a soft libretto


Filling the empty halls with visions of light

As the phantom walked through his past in the night


With endlessly long curtains torn to the floor

A sharp creaking noise escaping the back door


A dusty, lone piano with chipped white keys

Its gloomy, wistful music spread in the breeze


This lifeless theatre with its forgotten lore

Brings those of the night, sweet music nevermore

Artwork by Clare McMahon | 2018

Artwork by Austin Scott | 2017

The Elephant Man: A Found Poem


by Anna Gestiehr | 2017

Merrick has no hope

Creature without consolation

Physical hideousness

In order to survive

Humiliations, I repeat, humiliations

Merrrick forces himself

Exposes himself to crowds

Disgust by all who behold him

Mother Nature uncorseted

Expressions of horrors

Difficult to bear

Freak of nature

The elephant man.

Othello: A Found Poem


by Sydney Hnat | 2017

For my particular grief

Is of so flood-gate and overbearing,

Nature that it engulfs and swallows other sorrows

And still itself

As truly as to Heaven I do confess

The vices of my blood

I will round unvarnished tale deliver

Of my whole course of love

Of what charms

That I did love

With all my heart

I confess it is a shame to be so fond,

But it is not my virtue to amend it.

The Heavens forbid

But that our loves and comforts should increase,

Even as our days do grow.

Photograph by Lauren Gamble | 2018

Artwork by Caleb DeStefano | 2018

Othello: A Found Poem


by Austin Scott | 2017

I would not follow them.

I would not be Iago.

In following him, I follow but myself.

What is the matter of this?

Sir, I will answer anything.

Thou art a villain.

Give me taper. Call up all my people.

Is it too true an evil?

Truly, I think they are.

Never tell me.

Trying her duty.

Gone she is. 

They flew through the starry skies


by Kayli Sheridan | 2018

They flew through the starry skies

In between the cracks of the mountains

Over the shimmering water and under the canopy of the trees

The boy in the green hat took them to a place children dreamed of

He took them to a place filled with adventure

A place where they could be free

Fighting off the man with the mustache and the pirate hat

In the end they return home

The image of the boy fading away from their memory

Photograph by Bella Dugan | 2018

Artwork by Alyssa Smith | 2017

Sand is Rough


by Michael Kanavy | 2018

Sand is rough
And coarse,
And irritating,
And it gets everywhere.

But not like here,
Here everything is soft,
And smooth, and nice,
Unlike the sand.

I hate the sand,
From my point of view,
The sand is evil,
It betrayed me.

With my eyes wide open,
The sand poured in,
And blinded me,
Keeping me from finding,
My strawberry milk.

Photograph by Danielle DiPaolo | 2020

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